Spooky Halloween

I first learned to drive the tractor then Daddy taught me how to drive “Roger Dodger”. My brother, Bryan, had “Roger Dodger” next. One day he was bringing me home from school on the back road. He punched it and we jumped the canal dip. I could smell gas so I sprinted home from Ballock’s to our place on Road N. I could hear the tractor in the orchard but by the time I reached my Dad I was so out of breath I couldn’t speak. We got back to Bryan and the pick-up. Daddy was not happy. The jump completely turned the engine sideways. Oops! But “Roger Dodger” survived and that is why we are all Dodge fans. They last forever. Bryan re-did a Dodge and painted it in the same colors as the old 1972 pick-up. I had to paint it for the month of October 2022. 

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